The White Tiger (Chinese: 白虎; pinyin: Báihǔ), is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations. It is sometimes called the White Tiger of the West (西方白虎; Xīfāng Báihǔ). It represents the west in terms of direction and the autumn season. It is known as Byakko in Japanese, Baekho in Korean, and Bạch Hổ in Vietnamese
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驢(學名:Equus africanus asinus)是常見的馬科馬屬家畜,是非洲野驢被人類馴化所形成的亞種,和馬體形相似,但耳朵長,尾巴有尾柄,類似牛尾巴。
天干地支各有五行. 天干五行:甲乙为木,丙丁为火、戊己为土、庚辛为金、壬癸为水; 地支五行:寅卯为木,巳午为火、辰戌丑未为土、申酉为金、亥子为水。 十二地支的阴阳。
這篇為大家帶來12生肖總運勢排行榜! 純樸正直、忠誠可靠的狗兒,今年行運會相對辛苦,因為來到了辰戌相沖的沖太歲年,還遇上「破碎」、「大耗」、「歲破」、「月煞」、「豹尾」、「。